Monday, January 28, 2008

It's been a while!!

Wow. It's been waaaaaay too long since I've updated this last. I really apologize. I checked my traffic report from my blog site, and I've had people stopping by to view it, but I have had nothing new up since before Christmas. So I'm making up for lost time, and have decided to post a whack of new images. Some are grads, some are babies, some wedding album layouts, and the first image is my Casey. I wanted to test a new background, and I thought the hat would look cute on him. He disagreed. This was the only shot I got of him where he's actually facing the camera and looking rather cute. I always loved it when my dad (a photographer) would do test shots of me, but my boys are not such willing subjects. Hope you enjoy the long overdue new images!

1 comment:

Corla Rokochy said...

Tatum looks fab. You have a real magazine style. You know I love the grunge and really like the blue tone of the teen guy. Nice work. Always a pleasure to stop by