My girlfriend that I visited a few days ago came down to the studio to do a few shots of her little man. This is the same guy from a few posts ago. Here's just a few. The first one just cracked me up when I got it on the computer. What a goofy look!
My husband's family was all up for the wedding on saturday, so we did a session tonight with some of them. We did a mini session with one of the little guys first, then did a few more with the whole clan (well, almost ;) ) "Hey dude. Look at all those crazy old people trying to make us smile!" The cousins. No girls here yet! But what sweet little boys.
Every summer I get to visit my childhood friend when she comes up to visit her husband's family, or when I go up north to visit my family. This year we got together for a few hours at one of the lakes in our area. She has the two cutest boys you've ever seen. The other little guy was golfing with daddy, so no pics of him this time. Here's her younger dude. He's so kissable!
I just came across this article that was posted on another photographers blog. If you ever are thinking that you aren't sure whether or not you should get professional photos done of your children, read this article.
On that note as well, I will be limiting my sessions to 2 - 3 per week in the fall, so if you are thinking of booking, please contact me sooner than later. I fill up with families VERY quickly come September, but I am very swamped with wedding album designing in the next few months, and will only have time for a few family sessions per week.
I just had to add these. I got a big picture window put in the studio, in place of one of the garage doors. I love it! So any of you that have been here before and come into my living room for pictures by the window, you'll know why I wanted this in the studio so much! It's fantastic light. Just look at those sparkles!
Well, today I lost the title of the only young Duryba wife. I now get to share it with an awesome chick and we can carry on the Duryba name together! Today's wedding was a blast. The groom is my husband's first cousin, and he is a major car guy. He had his Dart all prettied up and ready for the wedding, so of course, a portion of the pictures had it in there. We had a great time at the supper and got to visit with all the aunties and uncles and cousins, so it was fun to be able to relax after a wedding and just enjoy everyone's company. We're so happy for you guys. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! (p.s. I gave you an extra long preview since it'll take me a bit of extra time to get them all edited with holidays coming up for us) "What kind of smile are you doing??" asks Reg. "We'll do our nice pretty sister smiles". "Now the We're Having The Time of our Lives!! smile. We had to somehow get the rings incorporated into the car as well. Here's what we came up with! Their love is "locked"... I know, I'm a dork. But I had to give a clue as to what it was if some people were wondering!
Today was a nasty weather day as usual, but this family just dealt with it and went with the flow. The bundles of flowers were incredibly beautiful, and I don't think I've ever seen our local hall look so good! They didn't get to have the outdoor wedding that they had planned, but that's not what matters in the big picture. These two are an amazing couple and I'm just so happy to see them together. Congratulations!! I'm not sure what the big secret was here, but it looks like they might have been cooking up some trouble! This family was just meant to be together. I photographed them last year as well, and there is just this incredible bond between the couple's kids. It was so neat to watch them all interact together. I don't get too teary at wedding ceremonies usually, but I had a few moments of having to get my eyes refocused when they welcomed eachother's kids into their lives.
I love photographing pregnant women. They're just gorgeous to me. For this session, I was lucky enough to get to have a willing participant to do some out of the ordinary shots. We did the regular studio ones, but then she told me she had a blue dress and I jumped at the chance to run out into the canola fields! I'm so happy she was up for it. She was covered in yellow by the time we were done, we both had muddy toes (flip flops are not good canola browsing shoes) and I had an icky wood tick. But it was sooooooooooo worth it! If you stop by my studio in a few weeks, you may see one of these canola shots BIG !
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