Monday, August 25, 2008

Fun School Pictures

Tis almost the season of the dreaded School Picture!!!

For the past few years I've had students come to the studio to do their school pictures, instead of ordering the ones that are done through the schools. You can pick your backdrop (black, white, tan, chocolate, barnwall, purple, sage, etc.) and we'll do a few poses that don't look like your typical school photo. If the weather is good, we can even do an outdoor shot if you prefer (in my yard only).

These sessions are very mini, in that they only take 10 minutes or less. There is no session fee, and you are limited to 2 different poses. From those you can choose your package(s), and they will be back from the lab within approximately one week.

Because these are very quick sessions, it's easy to squeeze them in anytime, so call the studio to request a package price list and to book yourself in to get a school picture that you're not embarrassed by :)


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