Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy Easter!

I will be taking a few days away from the studio to spend some time with my family over Easter. I will be back to work on Wednesday, March 26th. Our plans almost got changed when we found out that my parents were stuck in the Miami airport (they'd been backpacking around South America for 7 weeks and were on their way home). There were some major tornados hitting Texas, and a lot of flights were delayed. Thankfully, it sounds like they made their flight to Calgary tonight, so hooray!! I still get a holiday! And hooray for them too (it's not all about me, I know). They are ready to be home, and this was just a little kink in the plans.

Hope everyone is able to spend some quality time with family and friends this weekend. Be safe and have a wonderful Easter. I've got some wintery family pictures to post when I get back. I got to photograph an awesome family of six on monday, and their kids are super cool and the most polite and mature kids I think I've ever come across! Stay tuned......

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